By Dakota, age 8 ::
One of the young girls was so inspired by the day she wrote a letter to her favorite speaker, Kristin Laidre. Happily she let us share it with you. 🙂
Dear Kristin Laidre,
You really inspired me! When my dad told me that there was going to be some one that worked with Polar bears, Narwales and Whales I was so excited. Funny story, my sister and her friend got hungry and every thing was closed. I said, I can’t miss Kristin Laidre, he said let’s turn around, you go get inspired and learn, and there I got there in time and he and my sister and her went for food. When you said when you were little you loved animals and got to be outside I said to myself, I resemble Kristin. I love animals and I love to be outside. When you said that story about how many books you would check out, and the book that was your favorite, I was even more interested! Then you said that you fell in love with ballet, and how you had 3 foot surgeries. Then you thought what else you like, Marine biology! You inspired me not just to be a vet, also a Marine biologist, and to be a POSSIBILITY THINKER. Please write back, Dakota, age 8.
…and Kristin did 🙂Â