Become a Sponsor
We are grateful to all of our supporters and proudly partner with companies who show commitment to providing opportunities for girls.
All generous donations go towards putting on as many Girls Can Do events as possible around the country and the world, at no-cost for young women and girls.

Our next event is in Washington DC in November, 2016. If you are interested in becoming a partner for this event or another one, please contact Karen.
Girls Can Do is a WA State corporation with 501(c)(3) non-profit status.
Our Mission
Inspire a POSSIBILITY THINKER generation & ignite a vision for equal opportunity
The purpose of Girls Can Do event series is to host events around the country and the world, at no cost for young women and girls. Our events are special days where girls come to engage, connect, and share experiences with amazing women speakers who are pursuing their dreams. At each event we offer access to dozens of year round programs as “next steps” for the inspired POSSIBILITY THINKER through our Girl Partner Network. Our unique speakers are positive role models who are everyday, yet extraordinary women sharing stories about choices, determination, hardships, failure, resilience, and success.
Our vision is that our speakers and events inspire a generation of girls to make a difference in their lives, the lives around them, and the world. Our events give young women support, encouragement, and the knowledge that they can pursue their greatest dreams. After all, opportunities are endless when you are a POSSIBILITY THINKER.
A Unique Partnership Opportunity
Girls Can Do has successfully put on two events in Seattle, WA and is now gearing up to expand nationally. Becoming an event sponsor for our November event in Washington, D.C. is a unique opportunity for partners to get in on the ground floor and be one of our first official event sponsors.
Girls Can Do works with in collaboration with each partner to create a unique sponsorship plan. Some of the things we include are:
- Sponsor logo on main promotional materials.
- Logo on performance stage between each speaker and during the event pre-session music performance.
- Logo on event page of the Girls Can Do website.
- Logo on Live Streaming webpage during the event.
- Draw prizes at event.
- Information table in the event hall lobby.
- Introduction of at least one speaker.
- Logo in event program.
- Regular social media mentions.
Partnership levels are flexible and we will work with you to create the best engagement. Some of our levels are as follows:
- Presenting Title Partner: $50,000
- Gold Partner: $20,000
- Silver Partner: $10,000
- Bronze Partner: $5,000
Target Audience
Our events are designed to engage middle and high school aged girls. Our outreach model is focused on inviting girls from underserved communities. However, we welcome and encourage all individuals to join our events and there are some very inspired Dad’s walking around our halls!
Washington, D.C. Event
- Approximately 3,000 attendees at the combined live events.
- Majority of attendees will be girls with some parents and boys attending.
- Ages of girls will range from middle and high school to college.
- Our goal is 50% of girls attending live and broadcast events are from underserved neighborhoods near the event locations
Main Live event
- Warner Theatre, blocks from the White House
- 2,000 attendees.
Live broadcast events
- We are working on several locations across the US to host events to watch and engage with the live event through video stream.
- Total of 400 – 600 attendees depending on each location’s capacity.
Website live video streaming
- We will broadcast the live event from the Girls Can Do website.
- This would be an opportunity to increase our total reach in numbers, and for thousands more views of the sponsor’s brand both through the video feed and the webpage logo placement.
Post-event website video access
- Each speaker’s video will be posted to our website and promoted through social channels for anyone to watch after the event with free access and unlimited sharing.
- All videos will include the sponsor’s logo before each speaker.
Media coverage
- Based on media involvement from our two Seattle prototype events, we anticipate wide interest from TV, talk show, radio, and other news media to both promote our event and report on it.
- Please see past media coverage on our Media webpage.
Participant data collection
The data we gather includes four main methods for measuring our success:
- How many girls attend each live and broadcast events.
- How many programs we offer to girls through our Girl Partner Network organizations.
- How many girls signed-up for annual programs at our event.
- Qualitative feedback survey from our participants on if and how they were inspired.
- Blog stories from attendees on the impact of the event on their life.
Community Outreach
Girls Can Do employs a hands-on community-based model in order to reach girls in underserved communities.
Our Ambassador Outreach Program supports and collaborates with community leaders, students, and our partner organizations to reach out to youth and invite them to the events. These collaborators are essential to making the event a trusted, accessible, and impactful experience for girls. Together they take the bus, drive, or use Girls Can Do – sponsored transportation.
Outcome Vision
Immediate Impact: The Event
- A middle school, high school, or college girl finds out about our event through her local community and attends a live event at a beautiful performance hall or a community satellite location to watch via live streaming. Girls in underserved communities come to our events through our community outreach program, which serves to elevate equal access for all girls.
During the event, girls listen to a diverse group of speakers and become inspired by at least one of the speakers and a spark is ignited for a new perspective on life. Each girl considers herself a POSSIBILITY THINKER and uses that as a lens for making decisions in her daily life.
- Onstage and after the events girls meet dozens of local organizations who offer programs year-round for girls. They are encouraged to sign-up and join their organization and start making their dreams a reality.
A Year Later: Girl Partner Network
Girls are actively participating in the programs at our partner organizations and making positive changes in their lives. Each partner measures the success of their girls independently.
Lifelong: World Change
Generations of Possibility Thinking girls create a world of equal opportunity.
Measuring Success
aOur events are having an impact. The data we have collected and continue to gather at each event demonstrates this. We utilize four main methods for measuring our success. We collect data on the following:
- How many girls attend each live performance hall event and how many attend our satellite broadcast events.
- How many programs we offer to girls at each event through our Girl Partner Network organizations.
- Qualitative feedback from our participants on if and how they were inspired. This survey is handed out at the end of the event and it captures basic demographic data and feedback on specific aspects of the event, such as their favorite speaker.
- Blog stories shared on our website and social channels from event attendees about the impact of the event on their life and how they have each become a POSSIBILITY THINKER.
Girl Partner Network
At our events and through our Girl Partner Network webpage, Girls Can Do operates as an umbrella for girls to connect with carefully selected organizations. The Girl Partner Network is complied of local and national nonprofits such as Digigirlz, Young Women Empowered, ZGirls, Girls Inc., Girl Scouts, Girls on the Run, Powerful Voices and many more.
Services range from leadership development to life-skills to internship and scholarship opportunities. Through evidence-based programming, our partner organizations foster long-term relationships with our girls, offer them direct services, and guide them to success.
These programs are the “next steps” for the inspired POSSIBILITY THINKER.
Our unique speakers
Our unique and, for the most part, unknown speakers are everyday yet truly extraordinary women. Each woman shares a story of facing adversity, failures, determination, and building resilience while living a fulfilling life and pursuing their passions.
Our speakers make clear that success has no one definition nor does it come without hard work and setbacks. They show examples of building resiliency and emphasize that bouncing back is the key ingredient to making it through hard times.
Five Year Plan
The goal of Girls Can Do is to ignite a spark in as many girls’ minds as possible across the nation and around the world. Each event will be funded by corporate sponsors and any proceeds from each event will go towards future event planning. Tickets are $25 except all girls 24 and under are free. Our goal is to have a portion of the sponsorship funds allocated towards event planning and to also fund planning through grants and fundraising efforts.
Year One: Host four events nationally, with multiple satellite locations for each live event.
Year Three: Host eight events, at least two internationally and the remaining national. Each event has multiple satellite locations in the respective countries.
Year Five: One of the 12 annual events will be hosted on the International Space Station by a woman astronaut with a live feed to a US event site for Q&A with the girls in the audience. This event will be widely live streamed around the world.
Event Quotes
“The most inspiring day of my life.”
– High School Student from St. Margaret’s School, Victoria, BC Canada
“This was my first time at a Girls Can Do event and I wish I had been able to attend something like this 10 years ago. It was so beautiful to see accomplished, confident women empowering the females around them. I didn’t know any of the hundreds of women I was surrounded by, but the sense of sisterhood in the auditorium was undeniable. Programs like this will change the world. Girl power is real.”
– Kelsey Jae Wardwell, Partner Organization, Youth in Focus
“The shared emotions among a large audience were pretty powerful. The communal gasp when Jennifer Moran described the moment her athletic dreams died when she ruptured multiple disks in her spine on the basketball court… and just an amazing overall example of overcoming early hardships in life to achieve great things and make a huge impact on her community. Angela Martin’s talk that left nary a dry eye in the room. And the many, many laughs and cheers throughout the afternoon. Big, important, shared experiences tend to get under your skin and stay with you. The fact that there were probably equal numbers of girls as there were adult mentors in the audience speaks of the fact that in parenting, as in life in general, we are all hungry for someone to assure us that we are doing the right thing.”
– Jennifer van Hardenberg, Teacher
“You need to believe. Success. Love. Possibility. Family and Community. Find your destiny. Find it in your heart.”
– Lilia, Student, 7 years old

Our message to girls
Girls Can Do founder, Karen Clark Cole read the following letter to a packed house of 1,500 diverse girls during our second event at Benaroya Hall, home to the Seattle Symphony.
Girls-Can-Do is a WA State corporation with 501(c)(3) non-profit status.
For more information please contact