Because She Could, So I Can Too!
By Girls Can Do Washington DC Speaker, Reetu Gupta. Sometimes life goes into a high gear and you are leap frogged to a new level in matter of couple of days. For me, last weekend was one such time. This was life on steroids! I was invited to speak at an event in...

Press Release: Washington DC Event For Girls
GIRLS CAN DO Washington DC Event For Girls FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 8, 2016 2000 diverse Washington DC area girls come together to learn and become inspired by women leaders from around the country On Saturday, November 12, Girls Can Do with the support of...

Big News At The White House!
Girls Can Do is excited to announce that our Executive Director and founder, Karen Clark Cole has been invited to attend the first ever United State of Women, White House Summit taking place in Washington DC on June 14th. In connection with this event Karen has also...

National Inspiration Fund
Girls Can Do has a Fundraising Campaign ready to turn our amazing organization into a National phenomena!!! We need your help! Our goal is $100,000 by July 31. This campaign is a one-time “seed” fund, required to keep our lean event planning team in action for the...

Event Sponsorship Director
:: OUR MISSION :: TO INSPIRE A POSSIBILITY THINKER GENERATION & IGNITE A VISION FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY The purpose of the Girls Can Do event series is to host events around the country and the world, at no cost for young women and girls. Our events are special days...

Top 10 Takeaways from Feb. 7 Seattle Event
By Jennifer van Hardenberg, St. Margaret's School, Victoria, BC, CANADA :: Jennifer's list from her article: My Top Ten Take-aways from Girls Can Do She has a great story for each one of these in her article. Confidence comes from what we say to ourselves.” Pete Carol...

The most inspiring day of my life
By Jennifer van Hardenberg, St. Margaret's School, Victoria, BC, CANADA :: Excerpt from: A Recap of Girls Can Do : Seattle | February 2015 I recently had the privilege of accompanying a group of four teenage girls and a parent mentor from St. Margaret’s Steering...

Rawandan Girls Can Do!
Jessica Markowitz, Girls Can Do speaker and founder of Richard's Rawanda IMPUHWE took our shirts on her recent visit to Nyamata!

Find your destiny – Lilia’s Journal
Notes from 7 year old Lilia while listening to Girls Can Do speaker, Dawn Smith, Northwest Coast Native American woman from Victoria, BC, Canada. You need to believe Success Love Possibility Family and Community Find your destiny Find it in your heart

Rainier Scholars inspired at Girls Can Do!
By Rainier Scholars :: Last weekend scholars Andrea, Mimi and Nubia attended the Girls Can Do 2015 Conference featuring a diverse group of engaging and powerful women. While the scholars were in awe of many of the speakers, they were truly moved by Angela Martin, a...